Answer the second Call for Diverse Voices

OA is updating the existing publication A Common Solution and expanding the representation of OA’s diverse membership. All are welcome to submit stories that express your experience, strength, and hope. We are hoping to specifically hear from those who identify as a member of one or more of these under-represented groups within OA:

Asian/Pacific Islander • Latinx • Indigenous • Members who have had or considered a surgical solution • Transgender • Non-binary • Muslim • Buddhist

You can help under-represented members identify with other OA members by sharing what brought you to OA, what you found here, and what keeps you coming back. Please include which diverse group(s) you identify with and how our common solution (i.e., the Twelve Steps of OA, the nine Tools of Recovery, and reliance on a Higher Power) has led to your abstinence and recovery. Click for More Details

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