New Zoom OA Meeting from CT Intergroup
Started Saturday Nov 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Zoom: 874 305 1352 Password: recovery
Phone: 646-931-3860 Password: 32148903
Sandy G 860-391-7092
CT Intergroup – Region 6
We will be reading and share on the New Beginnings
the first and third Saturday.
Slipping and Siding Recovery Program
on the second and fourth Saturday.
On the fifth Saturday we will read and share on
the Tools of Recovery and we can share on
the Principles of the program.
The following books and pamphlets will be used but not mandatory.
If you want these books and pamphlets you can get them at and/or
New Beginnings; Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, 2nd edition;
Overeater Anonymous 3rd edition; For Today; The Tools of Recovery pamphlet; A New Plan of Eating pamphlet.